Business Holds

The Business Hold is typically used to place non-academic related holds on students. Academic Alerts (holds) are set in the Student Status window. Holds can be assigned through the following modules: Registration, Billing, Financial Aid, Health and Parking. Holds are cancelled by voiding the Hold.

The data grid lists any prior Business Holds. If none exist, the grid will be empty. In order for CAMS to maintain a permanent historical record of Business Holds, holds should not be deleted from the student's record.

Business Holds require the selection of a Hold Category. This reference table, Hold Category, establishes a type of hold as well as linking the type with a variety of “stopping” powers (i.e., stop statement, stop grade card, stop transcript, stop online registration, stop registration). Categories can be entered into this table by the CAMS Manager.

Individual Business Holds can be restricted to a particular module where the hold may be added to a student record, modified, or deleted only from within that module; however all holds applied to a student record can be viewed from within any module’s Holds window by users that have Read Only or Read/Write access to the Holds window. Individual Business Holds can also be configured from within the CAMS Manager module to allow addition, modification, or deletion from within any module’s Holds window.

Each department should determine the hold categories needed and which of the stop options or module restrictions should be set by default when the hold is applied.

Before Business Holds are applied to a student's record, they must first be established in the Hold Category reference table in CAMS Manager. The following attributes of the hold are defined in the reference table:

Once all of the hold categories required by your institution have been added to the Hold Category reference table in CAMS Manager, holds can then be applied to students.

To apply a business hold:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, select the appropriate module and then click the Holds menu item. The Student Holds window opens with any existing holds (current and historical) displayed in the data grid.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to open the Student Holds detail entry form.
  3. Accept or modify the Hold Status.
  4. The Effective Date defaults to the current date but may be changed if necessary.
  5. Select the Hold Category. Once selected, the description and attributes fields are automatically populated. The attributes may be changed as desired, with the exception of Stop Online Registration, which may still be prevented if the Stop Registration is checked (shown only in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Hold Category reference table).

Note: Upon selecting a Hold Category, the system fields, Default Location and Restrict Access to Location are populated automatically. A Default Location of All indicates that this hold can be added to a student within all modules where holds may be added; a Default Location for a specific module indicates this hold may be added from within that module only. If the hold has Restrict Access to Location enabled, the hold may be modified or deleted from within the module specified in the Default Location field.

  1. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

To void (remove or cancel) an existing hold:

  1. From the Student Holds window, double-click the record you wish to void. The Student Hold detail entry form opens.
  2. Select the value of Void from the Hold Status drop down list.
  3. In the Why Void field, enter the reason for the void (required).
  4. Click Update to save your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: Holds that have access restricted to the module where they were added will display all fields as read-only and cannot be modified outside of that module.

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