Academic Alert

Academic alerts are directly associated with the status values selected in the Student Status window. When an alert is active, the Student Alert window displays when the student is selected from the Student Select form. The Alert window displays Academic Alerts, Business Holds, and FERPA Warnings. A Student Alert window could continue to display after the status alert has been removed if there are business holds or FERPA warnings present in the student record, but the inactive alert record no longer displays in the Academic Alerts portion of the window.

Prior to creating an alert through the Student Status window, the following status fields should be set in the corresponding reference tables in CAMS Manager:

The following SAP status fields should also be set in the corresponding lookup tables in CAMS Manager:

Each of these statuses can be set to have the Alert Yes/No field automatically updated upon saving the student status record in the Student Status window. This eliminates the need to change the Alert field in addition to changing the status value.

Additionally, when running a Status Change routine from Tools >Processes >Registration >Status Change, you can add or remove alerts for multiple students based on parameters defined in the routine. The enrollment, academic, and registration statuses can all be mass updated in this manner. Institutional and Governmental SAP statuses can be mass updated by performing a SAP Status Change.

To create an Academic Alert:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status to open the Student Status window.
  2. Select the Status Term for which the student is to be placed on Academic Alert by double-clicking that record in the Student Status data grid. The detail entry form displays.
  3. Select the appropriate Enrollment, Academic, Registration, Institutional SAP, or Governmental SAP status. The Alert Yes/No field will be updated from No to Yes upon saving the student status record.

Note: The Academic Alert field is automatically updated based on the values in Enrollment Status, Academic Status, Registration Status, Institutional SAP, and Governmental SAP fields. When selecting a Student, the Academic Alert window displays if this field is set to Yes. Manually setting this field to Yes or No will not be retained after saving, but you can set it to Cancel, which will allow you to retain the original status but not affect future terms and/or prevent registration for the current term or future terms.

To remove an Academic Alert:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status to open the Student Status window.
  2. Select the Status Term for which the student is to be placed on Academic Alert by double-clicking that record in the Student Status data grid. The detail entry form displays.
  3. Either select the appropriate Enrollment, Academic, or Registration status if that status has changed and the Alert Yes/No field will be updated from Yes to No upon saving the student status record. You can also set the Alert field to Cancel and that will leave the original status in the Enrollment, Academic, or Registration status fields but it will turn off the alert for future terms. This will allow you to have a history of students on probation, for example, but not have previous terms keep alerting the users to the fact and/or preventing registration.

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