Campaign Maintenance

The Campaign Maintenance window holds information about fundraising campaigns and memorials. Pledges and gifts are associated with a particular campaign. Each campaign record contains the general ledger account numbers, so that funds are correctly posted.  

To add a campaign:

  1. Access the Campaign Maintenance window by clicking Development >Setup >Campaigns/Memorial. The Campaign Maintenance window opens with the Campaigns tab displayed.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new campaign (or double-click an existing campaign to modify.)
  3. Type the name of the Campaign. The campaign Active option defaults to Yes. If the campaign is inactive, click No.
  4. Select the Campaign Category (Glossary: Campaign Category). Campaign Category can be used to further group campaigns and must be used in order to utilize the CAMS VSE (Voluntary Support of Education) report from Development >Reports >Ledger BYOR to produce the information required to participate in the CAE's (Council for Aid to Education) Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey.
  5. Select the Type of Campaign (Campaign Type glossary table).
  6. Enter the Dollar Goal, as well as the Start and End dates for the campaign.
  7. Enter the following account and opposing account numbers associated with this campaign:
  1. Enter a Description for the campaign.
  2. Click Yes for the Post in Detail option if you want to send details of every transaction to the general ledger, or leave the default of No to send a summary to the general ledger.
  3. Enter the Non-deductible amount (if applicable).
  4. Determine whether or not transactions for this campaign should Post to GL.
  5. Click the Correspondence option to associate default correspondence such as thank you and reminder letters (see Development Activity Lookup).
  6. Click the To-Date option to view totals to date.
  7. Click the User Audit option to view the user audit information.
  8. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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