Financial Aid Award Import from EDE

You can package awards in the EDExpress application, export the information to a file which will be saved on the network in the CAMS Enterprise >Import folder, and then import those awards into CAMS so that pending financial aid can be represented on pre-billing statements, and distributed financial aid can be displayed on billing statements. Once the awards have been imported into CAMS, you can manipulate the awards as you would awards originating in CAMS. Before this can be done, you will need to set up your export from EDExpress using the current export layout. Click here to access current EDE Award Layout.

In order to import awards from EDExpress, minimal setup must first be completed in the CAMS Manager and Financial Aid modules. Click here to view Minimal Setup in CAMS for EDExpress Award Import.

To import EDE awards for packaging:

  1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >EDE Awards to open the Select Awards Import File form.
  2. Select the Academic Year. The Financial Aid Years set up for that Academic Year display in the Financial Aid Year list.
  3. Select the appropriate Financial Aid Year. The data grid reflects the financial calendar values based on the Financial Aid Year selected.

Note: For students with existing financial aid status records for the Academic Year selected, the existing status is retained. For those students who do not yet have a status record for that Academic Year, CAMS creates a status record using the Academic and Financial Aid year selected.

  1. Click Browse to open the Choose File window.

Note: Be sure to locate the file using the appropriate UNC path. A recommendation for doing this is to save the exported EDE data file to the CAMS Enterprise>Import folder on your server. If a file with ":" is selected, an error message displays.

  1. Select the appropriate .TXT file and then click Open.
  2. Click Initiate. CAMS compares the social security numbers, financial aid year, and fund codes of the student records being imported to records in the CAMS database. If a student already has a financial aid status record, CAMS calculates and imports award totals based on the distribution calendar. If a student does not have an existing financial aid status record, then the Terms in Calendar data that corresponds to the Academic and Financial Aid Years selected will be used to calculate the award totals in CAMS. After calculating the total amount to import into CAMS, awards will be distributed according to the term calendar. After CAMS completes these calculations, the EDE Awards Import Data tab displays. Two sets of records display: Awards that will be imported because the social security numbers, financial aid year, and fund codes match those of the students in CAMS, and awards that will not be imported because import criteria does not match.
  3. Click the Import tab to open the Import EDE Awards form.
  4. You may define the Packaged as Load (Student Load glossary table), Direct Cost Type (FINAID Direct Costs glossary table), and Package Status (Packaged Status glossary table) for all students for whom a new Financial Aid Status record is being created during the import process. Students with existing Financial Aid Status records will retain their current information and will not be effected by these selections.
  5. You may leave the Import Only Awards with Fund Decision to Accept field blank to import awards with all fund decisions, or you may highlight the appropriate choice or to import only the awards corresponding to that choice. This selection is derived from the Fund Decision field which displays in the EDE Awards Data tab.

Note: Even if you do not select any Fund Decisions the codes listed in the selection field must be mapped in the Award Status Mapping field.

  1. For students for whom a new Award Record is being created, you may apply an Award Status (FINAID Status glossary table), and you must click Yes or No to indicate whether the award total should Show on Billing Statements.
  2. Click Import. Once awards have been imported, a confirmation message displays. Awards can now be viewed by selecting the student accessing the Financial Aid Maintenance window. Select appropriate academic and financial aid years, then click the Financial Award tab.

Note: If an award is imported a subsequent time with a different amount CAMS Enterprise will create an additional transaction with an adjustment amount for the award. If the award was originally $500 and subsequently it was now importing as $600, a $100 adjustment transaction will appear for the term and will be imported.

If an award is deleted in EDE CAMS Enterprise will not automatically delete the award. It must be manually deleted from CAMS Enterprise.

Click here to access current EDE Award Layout

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