NSC Initialize Term

Re-Initialize NSC Term

At the beginning of each term you must run the NSC Export with the Re-Initialize Report (Done at Start of Term) check box selected. This allows CAMS to set a baseline to determine when changes occur in the data during the term.

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Export >Financial Aid >NSC Export. The NSC Criteria page opens.
  2. In the Report Term(s) field select the term(s) that the report will be for.
  3. Select the Academic Year that the Report Term(s) fall within. For programs where the Published Program Length Measurement is "W" or "M" the NSC Export will obtain the Weeks in Title IV Academic Year from the selected Academic Year (as set in Financial Aid >Setup >Yearly Setup).
  4. If reporting students from specific campuses then select the Campus(es). If reporting on all campuses do not select any campus. Campus is set for each student in Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin 2 tab >Access Campus field.
  5. If only mandatory terms are being reported ensure that Yes is selected for Standard Report (Summer Term/Grad only = No).
  6. Check Re-Initialize Report (Done at Start of Term). This creates a baseline for subsequent reports for that term.

Note: This should only be done once at the beginning of a term. By default the Re-Initialize Report (Done at Start of Term) field is unchecked to ensure it is not mistakenly selected).

  1. Blank Out Non US Citizen Zip Code, optional. This means that non US Citizens will not be included on the exception report due to international address fields (for example, missing zip code). Only students marked as non US Citizen in the Admissions Student Information window, Demographic tab are affected by this selection.
  2. If reporting only graduates select the Graduates file checkbox. This shouldn't be done when initializing the term.
  3. Check Include Students With No SSN to include students without a Social Security number in the export. The value NO SSN will display in the StudentSSN field on the data grid and in the export file for students who do not have a Social Security number in their record.
  4. Map all ethnic groups associated with the institution to the appropriate NSC code. This is only needs to be done once and will remain in effect for all future reports. To add an association right click in the Ethnic Origins Mappings data grid and select the Ethnic Origin and enter the NSC code. To edit a mapping double click on the item in the data grid.
  5. Select the US Citizen Address and Non US Citizen Address, required.
  6. Click the NSC Data tab and click Initiate. The upper data grid displays those students who have complete data records. The lower grid displays those students who do not have all the required fields filled in. You can go to the Report tab and print an Exceptions report to see those students and their missing data.
  7. Correct any Exception Data and re-run the previous steps.

Warning: If you do not do this step at the beginning of the term your data may not correctly reflect changes and you will have to manually edit the file.

  1. When everything is correct you can click Export to export the data file that is needed by NSC.

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