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Course Schedule
The Flexible Schedule Course detail form
is used to specify the class meeting location, dates and times and instructors
for non-traditional class schedules. Course schedules can be assigned
in either the traditional manner or by utilizing a flexible format. While
standard scheduling typically follows the structure of same days/times
each week, it may be necessary in some cases to schedule course times,
classrooms, and faculty for different days each week, with varying times,
and possibly different instructors for each of those sessions. For more
information on standard scheduling, see Course
Schedule/Classroom Assignment.
To Define The Flexible Class Schedule
- If the
Flexible Scheduled field is
checked on the Course
Maintenance screen then multiple days, times, rooms,
and instructors can be set for the class schedule.
Warning: Due to the differences
in the scheduling methods, upon clicking Update after selecting or deselecting
Flexible Scheduled, you will be prompted with a pop-up notice that any
previous faculty/room schedule will be removed. Click Yes on the pop-up
to remove previous schedules or click No to cancel the change.
- Open
the Offering Maintenance window, Registration
>Offering >Offering Maintenance, and use the selection
criteria to display a list of courses with which you wish to work.
Highlight the course you wish to schedule.
- Click
the Schedule button at the
bottom of the window to open the Course
Schedule/Faculty form. The top portion of this form displays the course information. The Flexible Schedule Course window
opens with the upper data grid displaying the classrooms, days, and
times. The lower section displays the faculty assigned to teach during
the selected period in the upper grid.
- If you wish to assign a room to the course without having CAMS check for schedule conflicts, check the box labeled "Remove Schedule Checking". CAMS will not check for room and time conflicts with this box checked.
- Right-click
in the Meeting Room and Time data grid to add a new record or double-click an existing record
to make modifications.
- Enter
the class Date, and the From and To
times. Choose the Room
location using the search icon and selection filters.
- Click
Add or Update
to save the record or Cancel
to exit without saving the changes.
To Assign Faculty For Flexible Schedule Course
- Highlight
the specific schedule record in the upper grid that the faculty will
- Right- click in the data grid to add a new faculty member or double-click
an existing entry to modify a current faculty record. Multiple faculty
can be scheduled for the same schedule record. Specific days and times
can be set for each faculty member. The time fields are auto
populated with default values of the schedule times previously defined.
However, these times may be modified to accommodate various scheduling
needs (ex. a faculty member is only going to teach for half of the
course’s scheduled time). These fields do not change or conflict
with the corresponding fields that were set in the schedule record.
Note for South African schools:
A pop-up message will display to warn
the user if the Faculty’s Actual Load plus the Clock Hours of the Offering
being added will total near (within 10 hours) or more than the Faculty’s
Max Load. No message will display if the Offering being added will exactly
equal the Faculty’s Max Load. Course Weight is not considered in the load
- Select
a faculty member using the search icon and filters to produce a faculty
- Click
Add or Update
to save the record or Cancel
to exit without saving.
- Click
Return to return to the Registration Course Offering data
Assign Default Faculty or Remove All Faculty for Flexible Scheduled Course
A default Faculty can be assigned to all Meeting Room and Time entries at one time (except entries that already have a faculty assigned) or all faculty can be removed from all Meeting Room and Time entries in one process.
- Place a check in the Default Faculty Member check box. Additional fields display.
- Click the Lookup icon next to the Default Faculty Member text box to open the Faculty Lookup Criteria detail. Search for the faculty and double-click the row in the grid to add the faculty name to the text box.
- Click the Add button to assign this faculty member to all meeting dates and times that do not already have a faculty assigned. Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up to add this faculty to all unassigned meeting times or click No to cancel this action.
- To remove all assigned faculty from all meeting rooms and times, place a check in the Default Faculty Member check box. Additional fields display.
- Click the Remove button to remove all assigned faculty to all meeting rooms and times. Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up to remove the assigned faculty or click No to cancel this action.
- Click Return to return to the Registration Course Offering data grid.
Note: If you want this course to have CAMS run automatic checks for prerequisites, course equivalents, degree audit, etc. you will need to add it to Master Courses.
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