Course Offering Detail

The Offering Maintenance forms are used to set up term offerings. Typically, these courses are extracted from the Course Master or copied from previous terms. Continuous information, or information that does not change from term to term, is held in Master Courses and is generally inserted there first, then copied to the Course Offering level. This procedure will maintain unity between the two groups and avoid updating problems that might occur should a new catalog be required.

The first section of the field descriptions below deals primarily with information that tends to remain constant from term to term. The second section deals with tuition and fees assessment as well as course enrollment. The last section determines how the course will appear on transcripts and the impact it will have regarding institutional policy such as repeating of the course, variable credit course, hour values, etc.

Fields that identify the course and typically remain constant from term to term:

NOTE: The "Section" field is used to differentiate multiple occurrences of the same course during a given term. This field should NOT be used to define different courses. With that in mind, a student can not be enrolled for the same course, different sections, at the same time. At the time of registration, CAMS will look at the Course ID, Type, and Course Name and thus will not let the registration of such occur more than once within the same term.

NOTE: Only Standard Plus Refund Policy will allow an Official course to be dropped or withdrawn in the Portals depending on the dates set for each in the Standard Plus Refund Policy. For all other Refund Policies, Official courses may only be withdrawn in the Portals. Unofficially registered courses may not be withdrawn and may only be dropped when using any Refund Policy.

Note: Only select a specific Grade Catalog for a course if that course's Grade Catalog should be different than the student's default Grade Catalog.

Fields affecting fees, enrollment counts, etc:

Click these links for more detail on Cost Centers and Tuition Refunds.

Fields that define impact of course in academic calculations based on institutional policy:

Note for South African schools: Only Clock Hours are used for Faculty Load calculations.

Note: If the GPA Grouping is set on the student’s status record that setting will overwrite the setting in the offering when the student is registered.

Other Fields:

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