
Transcripts can be printed as Official or Advisor transcripts. In Transcript Maintenance, you can identify certain items to appear on the Advisor's transcript that you do not wish to appear on an Official Transcript. When an Official transcript is printed, CAMS automatically creates a note in the student’s notes record.

To print transcript:

  1. Open the Transcript Prompts form by clicking Registration >Academic >Transcripts >Official Transcript or Advisor Transcript.
  2. In the section titled Report Format Criteria, identify the format of the report itself as well as the items you wish to have appear on the transcript.
  3. If transfer courses are to be summarized on the transcript select the Summarize Transfer Credit checkbox.

Note: Summarizing transfer credits will display a summary of total credits transferred from each college. Individual courses and grades will not be displayed. Credits and GPA will calculate the same whether Summarize Transfer Credit is checked or not.

  1. From the Course Selection Criteria section, identify which courses should appear on the transcript.
  2. Click the Student Selection tab and choose from single or multiple students:
  1. If Single is selected, use the search icon next to the Student ID field to located the student name.
  2. If you choose Multiple, a number of additional criteria become available for selection. Mark these fields as applicable to produce transcripts for the desired group of students.
  1. Click the Print tab.
  2. Select the Transcript Purpose (Reference Table: Transcript Purpose). This field is displayed when printing an Official Transcript and will display in a read-only field and note body in the Student Note that is created when an Official Transcript is produced.

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