Governmental Satisfactory Academic Progress

Governmental SAP entries and properties are set here. There are four default entries based on Governmental standards (Appeal Status, Good Standing, Probation Status, and Warning Status); more entries may be added as your institution requires. Each entry can be set to display an Alert when a student is selected in CAMS, stop Financial Aid, or stop Registration. Governmental SAP can be set manually in the Student Status record, or automatically by using the SAP Status Change process.

To Add or Modify Governmental SAP Entry:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Governmental SAP. The Governmental Satisfactory Academic Progress window opens.
  2. Right-click to add new or double-click an existing entry to modify.
  3. Enter the Status name (required).
  4. Enter a Description if desired.
  5. Place a check next to Alert to have the Student Status Alert Yes/No field automatically updated when this Governmental SAP option is selected in the Student Status window. An Alert window will also display when the student is selected in the Find Student window.
  6. Place a check next to Stop Financial Aid to prevent adding awards to the student using manual entry or Single Packaging when this Governmental SAP option is selected in the Student Status window.
  7. Place a check next to Stop Registration to prevent registration from within CAMS or the Portals when this Governmental SAP option is selected in the Student Status window.
  8. Click Add or Update to save or click Cancel to exit the detail window without saving.