Student Status Records

The first Student Status record is created automatically when the student's admissions record is initially created. Each successive Student Status record is created when registering a student through CAMS Enterprise or the Portals. CAMS Enterprise supplies many of these values automatically. Student Status records may also be manually created. Click the Go To Page 2 button at the bottom of the Student Status detail entry form to access Transcript Comments. The Student Status record is accessed through Admissions >Student >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status.

Term - (Term Calendar reference table) Term for which values in the Student Status window apply.

Effective Date - System supplies the effective date each time the student registers or drops classes resulting in a change to the Student Load.

Enrollment Status - (Enrollment Status reference table) Populated during student record creation with value selected in the Initial Status field of the CAMS Manager >Configuration >General 2 configuration form. When the student registers for a second term, this value is replaced with Continuing value. Setting this field may trigger an academic alert if the Alert option flag is set to Yes in the Enrollment Status reference table. Registration may be restricted in CAMS Enterprise and the Portals if the Stop Registration check box has been checked in the Enrollment Status reference table. This status may be automatically set for multiple students using the Status Change process.

Note: If the Initial Status field of the CAMS Manager >Configuration >General 2 configuration form has nothing defined, or if the default value is manually changed in the Student Status record, CAMS will NOT automatically update the next Status record with the Continuing Status value.

Academic Status - (Status Code reference table) Condition of the student in relation to the academic progress, for example Probation, Good Standing, etc. Setting this field may trigger an academic alert if the Alert option flag is set to Yes in the Status Code reference table. Registration may be restricted in CAMS Enterprise and the Portals if the Stop Registration check box has been checked in the Status Code reference table. Awarding Financial Aid may be prevented if the Stop Financial Aid check box has been checked in the Status Code reference table. This status may be automatically set for multiple students using the Status Change process.

Registration Status - (Registration Status reference table) Condition of registration. Setting this field may trigger an academic alert if the Alert option flag is set to Yes in the Registration Status reference table. Registration may be restricted in CAMS Enterprise and the Portals if the Stop Registration check box has been checked in the Registration Status reference table. This status may be automatically set for multiple students using the Status Change process.

Campus - (Campuses reference table) Automatically populated based on the Access Campus value in Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin 2 tab.

Cost Type - Automatically populated with the Default Cost Type from CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Tables tab.

Refund Type - Automatically populated based on the Default Refund Type setting in CAMS Manager >Configuration >Registration tab.

Warning: Campus, Cost Type, and Refund Type are critical in calculating tuition and refunds at time of registration. Without the proper entries in these fields, a student could be charged incorrectly.

Alert - Indicates whether an Enrollment Status, Academic Status, Registration Status, Institutional SAP, or Governmental SAP value for the term is configured with an Alert flag. If a status record for any term has an Alert value of Yes, an Academic Alert window will appear when selecting the student. CAMS will automatically set the Alert flag to Yes when clicking the Save button if a term record has been updated with a status value configured with an alert.

Note: Any term record containing a status value configured with a Stop Registration flag will prevent registration for all current and future terms unless the Alert flag is set to Cancel or the status's Stop Registration flag is set to False.

The Alert flag cannot be manually changed to No if a status value with an alert remains active, however it can be changed to Cancel to bypass the Academic Alert window and ignore any associated Stop Registration flags.

College Level - Configured in the College Level Reference Table and can be automatically calculated and updated based on earned hours IF the Classification field is populated with a value that has been set to Auto Update College Level in the Reg Classification Reference Table. Blank classification values will result in the College Level NOT being automatically updated and instead it will be populated with the existing value from the previous term.

Student Level - Free form data entry field which allows for additional categorization of the student's status.

Cost Type - Specific tuition plan for which the student qualifies.

Refund Type - Specific refund plan for which the student qualifies.

Note: Campus, Cost Type, and Refund Type are critical in calculating tuition and refunds at time of registration. Without the proper entries in these fields, a student could be charged incorrectly.

Student Load - This value is computed automatically during registration based on the number of credits for which the student registers (or remaining if drops or adds occur) as compared to the full time value present Registration Configuration tab in CAMS Manager. If the student has a program with a full time value designated in Status and Programs tab in the Student Status window, this is the value which is used to compute the student's load.  Full Time value in the Status and Programs tab is designated in CAMS Manager in the Major/Minor reference table. This is automatically populated in the Status and Programs tab when the appropriate major is selected.  

Max. Hours Allowed - The maximum number of (course credit) hours allowed for which the student may register. A prompt displays during registration if the maximum number of hours are exceeded. Default values may be set in the MaxAllowedHours field in the Academic Status (StatusCode) reference table. Null value is ignored (the student status field will not automatically be changed for any status that has a null value). All other values will force this field to be the value of the reference table. This only occurs when actual changes of the Academic Status field take place. Once changed, you can overwrite this value in Student Status. Updating records through Tools >Processes >Registration Module >Mass Update Status will also change the Max Allowed Hours value if an academic status value changes. This value can be any whole number plus up to two decimal places.   

Financial Aid - This field is informational only and is set to No when the status record is created. It can then be updated by users to indicate the student has Financial Aid for the term.

Commuter - Indicates whether the student is a resident (living on campus) or commuter. Can be automatically updated when Housing room is assigned or deleted.

GPA Grouping - Used to group students into GPA Grouping categories such as Undergraduate, Graduate, etc. This value is displayed on transcripts.

Note: If the GPA Grouping is set on the student’s status record that setting will overwrite the setting in the offering when the student is registered.

Cohort Group - Group of students who take classes together and progress as a group to complete a specific concentration.

Student Registered - Value is automatically set by CAMS Enterprise and cannot be changed. If a student is registered, whether officially or unofficially, for a class, the Student Registered field is set to Yes. If a student has transferred courses or has a status record for a particular term but is not registered for any course in that term, it is set to No.

Vocational Interest - (Glossary: Vocational Interests) Informational field supplying the student’s interest in non-academic pursuits.

Charge Insurance - Indicates whether a student will be charged insurance fees (if present in cost setup) upon registration. Must be set to Yes in order for insurance to be charged.

Grade Catalog - If left blank, the default grade catalog will apply to the student. However, a specific grade catalog can be set if necessary.

Non State Reporting - Check this box to exclude student from all specialized State Reports for the term.

Last Date of Attendance - Manually enter the last date of attendance. This date is used n R2T4 calculations in Tools >Processes >Financial Aid >R2T4.

Note: This field is populated manually and does not copy forward when a new status is created.

Institutional SAP - (Institutional SAP Lookup Table) Institutional Satisfactory Academic Progress can be assigned here. Setting this field may trigger an academic alert if the Alert option flag is selected in the Institutional SAP settings located at CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Institutional SAP. Institutional SAP may be automatically changed for multiple students using the SAP Status Change process located at Tools >Processes >Registration >SAP.

Governmental SAP - (Governmental SAP Lookup Table) Governmental Satisfactory Academic Progress can be assigned here. Setting this field may trigger an academic alert if the Alert option flag is selected in the Governmental SAP settings located at CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Governmental SAP. Governmental SAP may be automatically changed for multiple students using the SAP Status Change process located at Tools >Processes >Registration >SAP.

Student Worker – this check box is for reference only and can be used to indicate the student is a Student Worker.

Note: There must be a Student Program for Term for each Student Status record in the upper grid if registration reports are to display correct results.