Application Portal Configuration

The Application Portal configuration can be used to enable online application fee payments, set the application fee TransDoc and amount, and force online application fee payments prior to submitting the application.

To Configure an Application Portal Program

  1. The Application Portal configuration, CAMS Manager >CAMS Portal >Portal Configuration >Application Configuration, can be used to enable online application fee payments, set the application fee TransDoc and amount, and force online application fee payments prior to submitting the application.
  2. Check Enable Application Online Payments to display the Application Portal Online Payment Options. Select the Application Fee Transaction Document and enter the Application Fee Amount. If you wish to require on-line payments before applicants can submit the application, check the box next to Force On-Line Payment Prior to Submitting New Application.

Force Online Payment cannot be used with PayPal Website Payments Standard.

Note: The Application Portal uses the same Online Payment vendor that has been set up for the Student Portal. Online application fee payments are recorded in the ProspectAppFeePaid SQL table.

  1. Select a default Ethnicity to automatically be set in the Prospect Maintenance >Other tab >In-House Ethnicity (Glossary: Origins) drop-down when an Applicant selects more than one Ethnicity (such as "2 or more Ethnicities" or "Multiple Ethnicities").
  2. To make tests available for the Program for the Applicant to enter scores, select up to ten Number of Tests to Show. See Test Score Table Setup to add test templates.
  3. For each Test highlight the Score Labels to Show. Those Tests and Score Labels will display on the Graduate Application Portal Education page.
  4. Click Save or close the window with the X to save. Click Cancel to close the window without saving.

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