Online Payment Configuration


Online payments can be taken through the Student, Application, and Alumni portals once setup is complete. Setup must be coordinated with Unit4 Education Solutions, Inc. to ensure that the needed files are installed and correctly set up.

CAMS Enterprise is designed to work with a number of online payment providers. Your institution must have an existing account with one of these providers before beginning the setup in CAMS Enterprise.

Depending on the provider chosen, TransDocs can be specified to direct payment towards particular items such as Housing or Parking. For more information on Payment Provider TransDoc setup, see the Online Payment TransDoc Setup page.


The Portals Tab is where an Online Payment Vendor can be selected, a Username and Password supplied (if required), and the Authorize After Payment flag set. With the Authorize After Payment box checked, any unofficially registered courses will be authorized to official status when payment completes.

Students can pay online from the Student Portal. Depending on how an institution sets this up, TransDocs can be specified to direct payment towards particular items such as Housing or Parking.

In addition to authorization credentials, payment parameters may also be supplied by an institution’s selected vendor. These parameters may have a standard Identifier designated by the vendor and a unique value assigned to your institution. In order for payment processing to complete, these values must be correctly entered into the Online Payment Parameters data grid.

To Add Online Payment Parameters:

  1. Right click in the Online Payment Parameters data grid.
  2. Enter an Identifier label provided by the selected Payment Provider or listed in their configuration settings.
  3. Enter a Value provided by the selected Payment Provider or listed in their configuration settings.
  4. Click Add and you will return to the data grid.

Parameters can be configured for Production and Test environments and may be the same as or different from parameters used across various portal sites. For your convenience, a Copy function exists to move parameter configurations from one Environment/Portal combination to another.

To Copy Online Payment Parameters:

  1. Select the Environment and Portal combination to use as the source configuration, then click the Copy button.
  2. The Copy Payment Parameters window opens with the selected combination identified as the Source.
  3. Select the Environment and Portal combination to use as the Destination.
  4. Parameter settings will be copied from the Source to the Destination. If parameters already exist at the Destination, then parameter settings will not be copied.


The Misc tab is where a default Failure Message can be designated and Extended Document Types configured for each payment type.

The message entered in the Failure Message field will display when an online portal payment fails.

Selecting an Extended Document Type (Reference Table: Extended Document Types) will populate this field at the transaction level when the payment information reaches the CAMS database. Credit Card and ACH/Check payments can be configured with separate Extended Document Type values.

Online Payment Providers

Chase Paymentech



First Data


Higher One


Official Payments

Pay Now


PayPal Payflow Pro

PayPal Website Payments Standard

Payment Select

Transaction Central

U.S. Bank


Virtual Merchant