COD Export

Federal Grants and Loans are processed through Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) where federal aid originated from institutions is exchanged via XML files. Federal awards are exported from CAMS into COD via the institution’s Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox. Response files, including award disbursement amounts, are created by COD and are made available to institutions through SAIG. This file is then imported into CAMS through Tools >Import >Financial Aid >COD Import.

Federal Loans include Stafford Subsidized, Stafford Unsubsidized, PLUS, Alternative, and Perkins. Federal Grants include PELL, ACG, SEOG, SMART, and TEACH.

Some values in the Award Reference list must be defined in order for awards to be included in the COD Export file. Additional Reference Tables also require COD values that are required for exporting from CAMS.

Any method of packaging can be used in conjunction with the COD functionality. When awards are first applied to students, a flag is set that indicates these awards should be included in the Export file. Once exported, all awards in the export can be updated to unmark them from inclusion. Only if an award that has been already included in a COD export file is changed will the include flag be set again, so that the updated award amount can be sent to COD.

To Export Awards to COD:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page click Tools >Export >Financial Aid >COD Export. The COD Export window displays.
  2. In the COD setup box, enter your institution’s assigned Routing ID (COD Entity ID), and student Address Type to be used in the export file.

Note: The Campus Code, Direct Loans, OPEID (Teach), and Perkins fields must be populated for each campus in the Campuses reference table located in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance to complete your Enrollment School Code (8-digit OPE ID) in the COD Export.

The COD Export will set the CampusID field on the FinancialCODHeader during an origination to that of the latest status record in the Financial Aid Year.

  1. In the COD Export Criteria box, select the Academic Year and Financial Aid Year(s). You may select multiple Financial Aid Years in order to export all awards for an Academic Year in one export.
  2. Select the Program Year. COD designates the Program Year as the latest year in the Academic Year. For example, if the Academic Year is 2010-2011, the Program Year is 2011.
  3. Select the Schema Version to use for this export. The drop-down defaults to the newest Schema. Refer to the COD Technical Reference for the Schema to use for your export

Warning: If the awards have been previously exported using a different Program Year than the one selected, a consistency check pop-up will display indicating a previous export has been done using a different Program Year. See the COD Export Consistency Check for important details later in this document.

  1. The Destination should be set to COD and the Destination Routing ID is 00000001, and the Destination Mailbox is TG71900. These values are the same for all schools and will not need to be set more than once.
  2. To select a single Student for the current COD Export, click the lookup icon next to Single Student ID to open a find window. Locate and double-click the student you wish to export. To clear the selected student from this field, click the clear icon to remove the name from the field.
  3. To restrict the current export to specific disbursement dates, enter those dates in the Disbursement Date From and/or Disbursement Date To fields.
  4. To specify that the students in the current export must be registered in Terms that are setup in the Academic Year/Financial Aid Year selected, select “Official”, “Unofficial”, or both in the Must be Registered selection box. To further specify a specific Term or Terms where the student(s) must be registered, select the Term(s) in the Limit to Terms selection box.
  5. To restrict the export to students who must have Financial Aid Document Tracking documents (that are linked to the Academic Year/Financial Aid Year selected) complete, select “Yes” next to Documents Must be Complete. Upon selecting “Yes”, additional criteria, Inc. Students w/No Docs, displays allowing you to choose to include students without any Document Tracking documents for the Academic Year/Financial Aid Year. Select “Yes” to include these students or “No” to not include these students in the current COD Export.
  6. Check the Disbursement Release Indicator if requesting funds from this export file (origination must have already been performed). Typically used with Limit to Terms in order to request funds for one Term’s distribution. This must be checked in order to send zero amount awards; for example, student awards whose COD disbursements have been exported but the awards were zeroed out because the student did not attend.
  7. Check Process Zero Amounts when originating awards that have already been originated, funds have not been requested (Disbursement Release Indicator has NOT been checked in a previous export), and the award has a zero amount. For example: an award that has been originated but the student did not attend and the award has been changed to a zero amount.
  8. Include Header/Footer is unchecked by default because the header and footer is not required when submitting the export file through your SAIG mailbox.
  9. Select awards to include in the export file by clicking the awards in the Limit to Award Types list. Press Ctrl on your keyboard while clicking to select more than one award type at a time.
  10. Limit the awards that are set to a specific Award Status if desired. For example, you may not wish to include any awards with a status of “Declined”. Use with Limit to Award Types in order to send only the desired awards to COD.
  11. Select a term (or terms) in Limit to Terms in order to export for specific terms. Typically used with Disbursement Release Indicator to request funds for one Term’s distribution. Additionally, students must be registered either Unofficially or Officially in the selected Terms if one or both of those selections are made in the Must be Registered criteria above.
  12. Select the First Term Freshman entry (or entries) to indicate which Enrollment Status(es) are used to indicate a student is a First Term Freshman that has never attended college before.
  13. Select the First Term Grad entry (or entries) to indicate which Enrollment Status(es) are used to indicate a student is a First Term Graduate/Professional.

Note: In determining First Term Freshman and First Term Grad, CAMS will check the latest Registration Status records Enrollment Status field within the Financial Aid Year for the student. If the student does not have one of the Enrollment Statuses selected above, CAMS will check the College Level on that Registration Status record, then use the COD Student Level Code that is set for that College Level in the reference Lookup table.

  1. Check Student Must Accept Award to export only awards that have the Student Accepted field set to Yes in Financial Aid Maintenance.
  2. Enter a Disbursement Date if you wish to have all awards contain the same date when sent to COD. This will not change the disbursement date on the award in CAMS. The Disbursement Date can be used to facilitate early Pell disbursements and should not be used for origination exports.
  3. Select Match Academic Year Dates to Financial Aid Year Dates if you need to set Academic Year Dates in the COD export to the same dates set for the Financial Aid Year Dates in Financial Aid >Setup >Yearly Setup for each Financial Aid Year selected to export. Any awards exported will have the Academic Year Dates set to match the Financial Aid Year Dates linked to those awards in the COD export file regardless of the dates set in Yearly Setup.
  4. Click Initiate to find all new or changed awards, which display in the Awards tab. The data grid displays 200 rows per page; if your awards to be exported exceed 200, click Next to go to the next page of the grid.
  5. To remove any Award row(s) for this COD Export highlight the row, then press the Delete key on your keyboard. This action only removes the rows from the current COD Export and does not delete any records from CAMS.

Note: When over 200 rows display, removing a row on a page will not automatically shift the remaining rows from the next page onto the current page. Click the Initiate button on the Criteria to refresh the data.

  1. The Disbursement Number and Disbursement Sequence Number can be changed if necessary for each award in the grid. This should ONLY be done if you began using the CAMS COD Export mid-award year and you need to change the sequence numbers to allow your export to work with awards that you already have at COD using another system at the beginning of the award year. Double-click that cell in each row you wish to change then manually type the sequence number or use the arrows in the cell to increment the number. Rows with invalid Disbursement Numbers are colored teal.
  2. Click the Loan Info tab view Direct Loan Information and Status Data for COD Awards. These data grids contain verification information that can later be used if the XML validation fails. It will help determine where information may be missing, etc. Use the scroll bars at the bottom of each data grid to see more information. The data grids display 200 rows per page; if your loans or COD awards exceed 200, click Next to go to the next page of the grid.
  3. Click the Summary tab view Reported Financial Summary Information, which displays totals for each award type included in the export file.
  4. Click the COD Exp tab. Enter the File Name, then click Validate/Build XML. CAMS will verify all required information for submittal to COD is included on each record in the export file. If there is any missing information, a report displays with corrections that need to be made. The export file will be created once all corrections are made. The export file will be saved to the Document Directory defined in your CAMS User Profile. Navigate to this directory to upload the file to COD via your SAIG mailbox.

Note: The COD Export file is formatted in XML format for the Schema Version selected on the Criteria tab. Although the file is formatted in XML format, if you do not use a file extension of “.xml”, the file will be given a “.txt” extension upon exporting. You may either include a file extension of “.xml” or rename the file with the “.xml” extension after exporting.

  1. When validating/building the COD export, CAMS looks to the award record to determine the campus value to report to COD. If a campus value is not populated on the award, CAMS looks to the student status record for the associated term to retrieve the campus value. If an associated student status record does not exist, CAMS looks to the most recent student status record to retrieve the campus value. If there are award records that do not have a campus value, click Update Awards to populate the award record with the derived campus value that was reported to COD.

COD Export Consistency Check

CAMS performs a consistency check upon clicking the Initiate button on the COD Export. If a previous export has been done for a Program Year other than the Program Year selected a pop-up will display alerting the user. You may either cancel the initiation and select a different Program Year or, if necessary, force a change to the Program Year. This functionality is useful if an incorrect Program Year was selected for the previous export.

  1. If a Program Year is selected for awards that have been previously exported using a different Program Year, a pop-up displays.
  2. Note the previous exports Program Year. The first COD award identifier and student are indicated as an example.
  3. Click OK; a pop-up displays indicating a Program Year conflicts with the year selected.
  4. If the originations have been accepted by COD or if you wish to select a different Program Year, click Yes to return to the COD Export Criteria tab, select the correct Program Year, then continue with the export.
  5. If you wish to CHANGE the Program Year for the previously exported awards, click No; a pop-up displays asking if you wish to force an update to the Program Year for the previously exported awards. NOTE: the Program Year should NOT be changed for originations already accepted by COD.
  6. Click No to return to the COD Export Criteria tab, select the correct Program Year, then continue with the export.
  7. If you wish to force a CHANGE to the Program Year for the previously exported awards, click Yes.
  8. A pop-up displays asking you to confirm you wish to CHANGE the Program Year for the previously exported awards. NOTE: the Program Year should NOT be changed for originations already accepted by COD.
  9. This is the last opportunity to cancel the Program Year change for the previously exported awards. Click No to return to the COD Export Criteria tab, select the correct Program Year, then continue with the export. Click Yes to CHANGE the Program Year for the previously exported awards and continue with the export. NOTE: the Program Year should NOT be changed for originations already accepted by COD.

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