Glossary/Reference Table Maintenance
Lookup tables customize CAMS to the unique
character of your institution. There are two types of tables which hold
specific values that offer data options (values) to the CAMS user. They
include a few predefined values required by CAMS, but are mainly populated
with unique terms defined by your institution. Typically, the CAMS
Manager will populate these tables using data gathered from the various
departments in your institution. CAMS uses Server-side Include (SSI) files
to hold these Glossary and Reference table values.
- Glossary
tables consist of a single table in which all items
share a two-column design ("Category" and "Description").
- Glossary Diagnostics a new feature to correct glossary lookup data in your database.
- Reference
tables by contrast, have more than two columns as
well as the possibility of a more complicated, dependent structure;
each reference name corresponds to a separate database table.