COD Import

Federal Grants and Loans are processed through Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) where federal aid originated from institutions is exchanged via XML files. Federal awards are exported from CAMS into COD via the institution’s Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox. Response files, including award disbursement amounts, are created by COD and are made available to institutions through SAIG. This file is then imported into CAMS through Tools >Import >Financial Aid >COD Import.

Federal Loans include Stafford Subsidized, Stafford Unsubsidized, PLUS, Alternative, and Perkins. Federal Grants include PELL, ACG, SEOG, SMART, and TEACH.

Some values in the Award Reference list must be defined in order for awards to be included in the COD Export file. Additional Reference Tables also require COD values that are required for exporting from CAMS.

Any method of packaging can be used in conjunction with the COD functionality. When awards are first applied to students, a flag is set that indicates these awards should be included in the Export file. Once exported, all awards in the export can be updated to unmark them from inclusion. Only if an award that has been already included in a COD export file is changed will the include flag be set again, so that the updated award amount can be sent to COD.

Import COD Response/Disbursement File

COD Response and Disbursement files must be downloaded from your SAIG mailbox to a folder on your SQL server, so the database can read and import the file into CAMS. This folder must be shared to appropriate personnel handling this import process.

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >COD Import. The COD Import window displays.
  2. To read a new document, browse to the import file in the folder on your SQL server, then click Upload Document. Click Parse XML document to format the document for import and automatically increment the Disbursement Sequence Number for awards in this file.
  3. The Students tab displays. The data grid displays 200 rows per page; if the students in the grid exceed 200, click Next to go to the next page of the grid.

Note: Click Counseling Import to import a DL Entrance/Exit Counseling and Financial Awareness Counseling message class file. See COD Import DL Entrance/Exit Counseling for Step-By-Step instructions.

Note: Entrance Counseling may also be imported along with DL PLUS borrower information by importing the CRCSxxOP message class file. See Entrance/Exit Counseling and DL PLUS Application Acknowledgement Together.

  1. Review the students included in the Import file, and then click the Summary tab, which displays the Summary and Response data from COD.
  2. Click the Awards tab to view the Awards being imported. The data grid displays 200 rows per page; if the awards in the grid exceed 200, click Next to go to the next page of the grid.

Note: Click MPN Import to import an MPN Response message class file. See COD Import MPN Response for Step-By-Step instructions.

Click Import Credit/PLUS App Info to import a DL PLUS Application Acknowledgement message class file or Update Contact Info to update Contact information contained in a DL PLUS Application Acknowledgement file. See COD Import DL Plus Application Acknowledgement for Step-By-Step instructions.

Note: DL PLUS may also be imported along with Entrance Counseling information by importing the CRCSxxOP message class file. See Entrance/Exit Counseling and DL PLUS Application Acknowledgement Together.

Click Import Informed Borrowing Info to import to the informed borrowing tags from the acknowledgement file.  The student's Informed Borrowing Information can be viewed in Financial Aid > Maintenance on the Financial Status lower grid of the page.

  1. Click the Disb tab to view the award distribution amounts to be imported. Click the plus sign next to each row to view the Response Error Code(s). The error codes will also display on the COD Response Detail report. The data grid displays 200 rows per page; if the disbursements in the grid exceed 200, click Next to go to the next page of the grid.
  2. Click the Reports tab to set the new Award Status for COD Response Code, and then click Update to set the Award Status in Financial Aid.
  3. For response files where the Disbursement Release Indicator is set to False the Reports tab will be labeled **Origination**. Where the Disbursement Release Indicator is set to True, the Reports tab will be labeled **Disbursement**.
  4. Click Update Usage Limits to add or update students’ Award Usage Limits in Financial Aid >Maintenance >Status >Awards Usage Limits. For records in the COD response file that contain this information CAMS will either create a new Awards Usage Limits entry for students that do not already have an entry or update any existing entries.

COD Reporting

There are two reports available for the COD import.

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