Prospect More

The More tab holds additional data for the prospect. Click the appropriate button to view or modify information in the grid for that item. Double-click a row in the grid to modify or right-click to add new.

Prospect Colleges - If the prospect is a college prospect who wants to transfer to your institution, you can track college information using the Prospect Colleges field. You can also use this option to track colleges that the prospect is also thinking about attending and then use the collected information to determine how many prospects came to your institution and how many went to other institutions and why. The college must be entered into CAMS Enterprise before you can apply it to the prospect.

Prospect Contacts - Prospect Contacts allows you to record contacts for prospects. Contacts could be a prospect’s parents, teachers, religious affiliates, siblings, business associates, or any person with whom the prospect has contact. An Emergency Contact can also be listed here. When adding, a contact a contact search screen appears first to allow you to search for an existing contact. For example, if my sibling has attended the institution then the prospect’s parents have probably been entered into the system. By searching for them first duplicate contacts can be prevented.

Previous Name - Any time certain prospect name fields are changed in the Prospect Maintenance window (Salutation, First, Middle, and Last Name, Preferred, Social Security, or Maiden Name), CAMS will automatically populate the Previous Name form with the older information. Data can be entered into this form manually as well. If the Prospect record was loaded to Student, the Previous Name grid will remain synchronized between the two records.

Portal Access - Before a prospect can access the application portal they must have a portal handle (login name) and portal password. They will normally create this themselves when first accessing the application portal. You can use this option to reset their password and portal handle if they have forgotten them. If the prospect no longer needs to access the application portal you can uncheck Enable Portal Access.

For prospect records created from within CAMS, these fields are automatically filled in upon creation of the prospect record. The default is to use the first 50 characters of their last name and ProspectID for their Portal Handle and the first 20 characters of their last name and the ProspectID for the password. It is recommended that you change the password using a more secure password convention.

Click Reset Password to send the Prospect an email which contains their Portal Handle and a link which will allow the Prospect to change their password. The link expires after it has been used or 15 days, whichever comes first. The URL contained in the link is defined in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Portal URL Ref.

Note: Clicking Reset Password removes the existing password. The password must then be reset via the link in the email or in the CAMS Enterprise Prospect Portal Access window.

To send the Portal Handle and Portal Password to the Prospect in a plain-text email, check the box next to Set Password. The password field will then be cleared and marked as a red, required field and an email icon will display to the right of the Portal Password field. Enter the new Portal Handle (if desired) and the Portal Password. Click the email icon to send an email to the Prospect. The email MUST be sent before clicking Update. Once the record is updated, the password is encrypted and cannot be sent in a plain text email.

The text of the SendStuPortalInformation.asp page can be modified to create a more institution specific email notification.

Warning: It is recommended to use the Reset Password button rather than sending the password in plain text email.

User Defined Fields - in addition to the many data fields available, CAMS Enterprise also provides several User Defined fields which can be utilized to capture other data about prospects and students. The labels to these fields are renamed according to the institution’s needs within the CAMS Manager module. There are three fields for each of the following field types; Dropdown, Text, Date, Numeric, Currency, Checkbox, and Memo. The institution decides which of the available fields will display on the More tab and which ones are required fields. Any information captured in the prospect area may be copied forward to the student record. Prospect User Defined fields are shared between Admissions >Prospects and Admissions >Students.

Prospect Awards (Reference: Prospect Awards) - The awards located in the Admissions module are used as recruiting tools. List potential awards the prospects may be eligible to receive should they decided to attend the institution. The data entered here can be used in reporting as well as award letter generation.

Note: Awards entered in the More tab do not affect financial aid for the Prospect.

Ethnicity - Prospect ethnicity is recorded on the Other tab utilizing the In-House Ethnicity drop-down. Selections made in this drop-down will add an entry here. Manual entry may also be made for single or multiple ethnicities in this grid by right-clicking then selecting the item(s) from the scroll box. To remove an entry, highlight then click Delete. Adding or removing entries here does not change the drop-down selection on the Other tab.

High School Transcript - Displays High School Transcript information imported via Apply Alberta. This grid is read-only; records cannot be added or updated from the CAMS user interface.

Employment - The Prospect Employment entry form links prospects to their employers which exist in the Development module of CAMS with an Account type of Corporation. Employers without a record in CAMS may also be manually entered in the Employment form without the need to create a Corporation Account Type in CAMS. The information entered here will transfer to the Student module when the Prospect is loaded to Student and to the Development module if the Student is transferred to a Constituent. Multiple employers may be added. The same employer may be added multiple times if the dates are different between entries.

Note: Employment entries remain linked throughout CAMS for records that move through the system from Prospect to Student to Constituent (or Student to Constituent).

SOP - The Prospect SOP form is used to capture a Statement of Purpose from applicants that can be used to decide on admission. The statement can be added by Graduate applicants via the Graduate Application Portal or may be added or modified here by a CAMS user.