Return Of Title IV Funds

This CAMS functionality will assist Financial Aid staff in calculating and processing Return Of Title IV Funds. The 10-step process will take users through a calculation process using windows with a similar look to "Treatment Of Title Of Title IV Funds When A Student Withdraws From A Credit-Hour Program" in order to give the Financial Aid CAMS user a familiar feel to the processes they are already used to.

To process students in the R2T4 window, they must have Title IV awards, be completely withdrawn, and have a Last Date of Attendance entered in the Student Status record for the selected Term. If the students meets all criteria except the Last Date of Attendance, they will display in the Exceptions grid on the Process Student(s) tab.

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Processes >Financial Aid >R2T4. The Return to Title IV Funds opens to the Search Criteria tab.
  2. Select the Academic Year, Financial Aid Year, and Term. To search for a single student, click the look-up icon next to Single Student ID, find the student and double-click to select. Otherwise leave this field blank.

Note: The single student option will pull the student whether they are withdrawn or not withdrawn.

  1. Click Initiate Search. You are taken to the Process Student(s) tab where students that meet all the criteria to process R2T4 in CAMS will display in the top grid, Available Students for R2T4 Processing.
  2. Students who meet all criteria except Last Date of Attendance in the Student Status record will display in the bottom Exceptions grid. Double-click a row in the Exceptions grid to open the Correct Exceptions Dialog where you may enter the Last Date of Attendance. Select a date then click Process to update the Student Status record and move the student to the Available Students for R2T4 Processing grid.
  3. Double-click a row in the Available Students for R2T4 Processing grid to open the 10-step processing window.

Note: Upon opening the processing window, a semaphore lock is set. No other user may open the detail window for the student until the first user closes it.

Warning: once the R2T4 10-step form has been initiated by double-clicking a row in the grid, awards for the selected student are pulled into the R2T4 form. Any changes in other areas of CAMS that would otherwise affect the processing will not change the R2T4 amounts. Any changes after initiating would need to be made manually.

  1. Follow the 10-step processing window which has a similar look to the federal "Treatment Of Title Of Title IV Funds When A Student Withdraws From A Credit-Hour Program" forms.
  2. All fields except calculated fields can be modified.
  3. Click Calculate on any step to see the results of that page. Clicking Next or Previous will automatically calculate.
  4. You may save at any point in the process.  If you have made changes and not saved, upon closing the window a pop-up will ask if you want to save your changes. Click OK to save or Cancel to discard any changes.
  5. The Date of school's determination that student withdrew field in the header section is populated automatically from the Last Date of Attendance in Student Status; the date can be changed if this date is different from the actual withdrawal date. The Student's Name and Social Security Number are pulled from the ISIR record in Financial Aid >Maintenance >ISIR tab.
  6. On page 1 of the form, Student's Title IV Aid Information, award amounts are obtained from the Dist. Amount field in Financial Aid >Maintenance >Awards tab. The Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed column must be filled out manually due to the many possible variables per student.
  1. On page 2, Percentage Title IV Aid Earned, Date of Withdrawal is populated from the Last Date of Attendance in Student Status.
  2. Also on page 2, enter total number of break days for all breaks that may have occurred in the Term. This number of days is figured in the calculations but is not displayed on the R2T4 report.
  3. On page 5, Amount of Unearned Title IV Aid Due from the School, enter the Institutional charges for the period and click Calculate. CAMS will calculate the Total Institutional Charges and make any necessary adjustments to the Amount of unearned charges.
  4. On pages that instruct you to stop if certain conditions are met, simply click Save and close the window with the X and complete the process. You may also close with the X without clicking Save. You will be prompted if changes were made and asked if you would like to save. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to discard any changes.
  5. On page 10, Return of Grant Funds by the Student, click Save and Exit to complete the process and close the window.
  6. Back on the Process Student(s) tab, you can print a report that looks similar to the federal R2T4 form. Click Print to display a report or Print & Save to Doc Track to display the report and automatically send a PDF copy of the report to the student's Financial Aid Document Tracking.

Note: the Document Tracking document to be used for the Print & Save to Doc Track is set in CAMS Manager >Configuration >Misc tab.

  1. The report can be printed before or after processing the student R2T4 form.
  2. Highlight a row in the grid and click Process to complete the R2T4 form.

Warning: Records in R2T4 are LOCKED after processing. Once a student is processed in the R2T4 window, the detail cannot be opened again. You can print at any time to see what was processed or view it in Document Tracking if Print & Save to Doc Track was selected.

  1. A pop-up displays in order to set the Award Status for processed awards. This step is required to complete processing. Set the Award Status and click Continue to complete the processing or click Cancel if you do not wish to complete the processing at this time.

Note: Awards are adjusted in Financial Aid >Maintenance upon processing the R2T4 for a student (or students). They must then be transferred and sent to COD as per the normal practices in CAMS.