Incidental and Add/Drop Fees

Campuses, Cost Centers, and Cost Types are key in the accurate application of Incidental and late registration fees. Some institutions employ multiple cost centers and students can actually take courses from more than one cost center. In such cases, CAMS must be able to determine the correct fee to be applied. This is done in the following manner:

Note: In the setup process, check the Campuses reference table to make sure that TransDocs are selected for Incidental Fees and Add/Drop Fees for "Main" campus, which is the default value used by CAMS.

Add/Drop fees will only be charged under certain circumstances:

Add/Drop fees will NOT be charged under certain circumstances:

Note: Add/Drop fees are only retained for Officially Registered students. Recalculating or Authorizing Unofficially Registered students will remove these fees even if the other conditions necessary are present.

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