Note: Before a student can register for classes their Applicant Status (on Student Admissions Page 2 tab) must be set to an option that allows the student to register. For example, a student may be set to Accepted but still needs to turn in paperwork or make payments before they will be allowed to register. Once everything is correct the Applicant Status can be changed to Admitted and the student can register.
Once the Registration Parameters have been defined in the first tab of the Registration window, the actual registration process can begin.
Course Selection
Classes can be selected using multiple methods:
Quick Register. To quickly select a course without sifting through the list of available courses, simply enter the course ID in the Quick Register field and press Enter. The course information needs to be entered in the format of Dept.ID.Type.Sec. with a period separating each element (Example: AE.161.LEC.01). To enter multiple courses simultaneously, separate each course ID with a semi-colon (Example: AE.161.LEC.01;BIO.201.LEC.01).
Note: If Type (i.e.
LEC) or Section number are not used in your Course ID, it is still necessary
to input a period to indicate the end of that particular data section.
For example, a course without type would be entered as such: AE.161..01
If entering multiple Variable Credit Relative Date courses, only the first
course entered will be added as these courses must display additional
detail windows where the user must enter additional information.
Standard Course Selection. Select one or several courses from the list of available courses. This list can be narrowed down by utilizing the Filter option.
To select courses from the course list:
Note: If Auto Load
CoRequisites is checked then the option to filter courses during registration
is removed.
In the Offered Courses grid (upper half of the form), right-click on the
course name to view details about that particular course, such as Faculty
assigned to the class, dates and times class will meet.
Note: If a student is already on a waiting list for a specific
class the background color in the Offered Courses grid will be light blue.
If you want to now register that student for the course you will
need to over-ride the prompt (about the class being full) and register
the student anyway. The student will automatically be removed from
the waiting list.
When using standard course selection to add Variable Credit or Relative
Date courses, after the courses are added to the lower grid, double-click
a course in the bottom grid to open an additional detail window to set
the variable credits or the starting date. Variable credit courses display
an alternate color of green and relative date courses display an alternate
color of tan in the lower grid.
Double-Click Course Selection. Courses may be added to the lower grid by double-clicking the course in the top grid.
Apply Special Grading
If a course has special grading criteria associated with it, such as Audit, Pass/Fail, Withdraw, etc., (with the course highlighted in the Registered Selected Courses list) click Grade Options and select the proper grade method to be applied.
Student Status
The Student Status record can be accessed from the Registration window. This function allows you to maintain the status record without being forced to leave the registration process and can prove to be a helpful tool in ensuring that the correct data has been entered for the student with whom you are working. Changes can be made to the record prior to saving the registration. For instance, if the student will be charged an insurance fee, then the Charge Insurance field must be marked "Yes" prior to saving the registration in order for CAMS to automatically create the transaction.
Student Programs
Use the Student Programs function to update program information for the registering term.
Save Registration
Once courses are selected, simply click Save Registration at the top right corner of the window. CAMS will save your selections and produce the output you requested in the Registration Parameters window.