Student Program for Term

Use the Student Program entry form to record a student’s major and minor degree of study for the specified term. This feature allows you to keep historical records of program changes students may make from term to term. Students can have multiple programs per term, with a different status and advisor for each if necessary. Note that the term is populated based on the correlating Status Record that is highlighted. These values will copy forward from term to term until they are changed. Information for Transcripts is taken from the student's latest Status Record.

Note: The term is populated based on the correlating Status Record that is highlighted. Major Degree, Minor Degree, and Advisor values must be marked Active in the corresponding reference tables in order to display for selection.

Additional Advisors may be added by adding a blank or duplicate Program.

The following fields may be populated as appropriate:

Major Degree — Major area of study (Major/Minor Reference table)

Minor Degree — Minor area of study (Major/Minor Reference table)

Cognate — Typically a course or group of courses that are in a discipline separate from the student's field of study but are still related to their Major. Unlinke a Minor, the Cognate does not typically have formal requirements. Not used by all institutions. This field also appears in the Student Degrees screen and is configured in the Glossary Table.

SAP Hours — Satisfactory Academic Progress Hours or Program Length for the selected Major or Minor. These read-only fields are pulled from the Major/Minor Reference table located in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance. The total registered hours divided by the Program Length is used in the calculation of the percentage completed in the SAP Status Change process (Tools >Processes >Registration >SAP).

Program Load — If this field is left blank, the Student Load in the Student Status record will be used in the NSC Export. If this field is populated, the load set here will be used for this Program in the NSC Export.

Effective Date — If this field is left blank, the Effective Date in the Student Status record will be used in the NSC Export. If this field is populated, the Effective Date set here will be used for this Program in the NSC Export.

Program Start Date — If this field is left blank, the Program Begin Date in the NSC Export will use the Term Calendar Reference table >Term Start Date for the first Term that the Program exists on the Student Status record. Set a date here to override the Term Start Date for this Program in the NSC Export. Each Program may have a different date set in the Student Status record.

Student Status — Student's enrollment status as it pertains specifically to this program.

NSC Class/Cred — Student’s course of study according to the NSC. Selection here will be reported in NSC reporting as the Class/Credential level. (NSC Class/Credential Level glossary category).

Primary Program — Student’s primary program record. Students may have multiple programs attached to a specified term, but only one on program record may be checked as the primary. The Primary Program will be used for NSC reporting to indicate which program record contains the student’s NSC Class/Cred value.

Sequence Number — This field may be used to indicate the order Majors will appear on Transcripts. Zero is the highest sort order number and will be listed first on Transcripts. If two Student Program for Term entries have the same sequence number, the order they were added to the Student Status record will be the order they are listed on Transcripts. The top three Majors will display on Transcripts.

Catalog — - May record grade catalog specific to this program, however it is not used in grade calculations. Grade catalog used in grade calculations should be defined in the Grade Catalog field in the Student Status entry form.

Full Time Hours — May be automatically populated upon selecting the Major Degree value. Full Time Hours can be defined in the Major/Minor reference table, or may be entered manually. This value is used to calculate Student Load in the Student Status Record if the value defined here is different than the default full time hours value set in the Registration Configuration tab in CAMS Manager.

Advisor — Select the student's advisor for this term/program from the list.

Note: The Advisors reference table has an Active checkbox. When checked only those advisors will display in any advisors’ drop-down field.

Block Program — Used to designate the Block Registration program for which the student will be registered. The drop-down is populated with all Block Programs that have been set up.

Block Sequence — Drop-down list containing all sequences defined for the Block Program selected above.

Note: Students must have Block Program and Block Sequence populated in order to register using Block Registration.

Last Reg. Block Order — Read-only field automatically populated with the last registered Block Order number. The field defaults to zero for newly created program records. This number will increment with the next Block Order number upon subsequent registration of the next block in the Registration Block Sequence.

See Block Registration.

Qualified Flag — (State Reports Glossary: Qualified flag) - Used in the ASI (Alberta Student Initiative) Report.

Offered Admission Flag — (State Reports Glossary: Offered Admissions Flag) - Used in the ASI (Alberta Student Initiative) Report.

There must be a Student Program for Term for each Student Status record in the upper grid if registration reports are to display correct results.

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