Adding Documents to Prospect or Student Records

Document Tracking is available in the Prospect module and all Student-related modules of CAMS. The functionality is identical in each module with the following exceptions:

Documents may only be viewed from within the module they are added. For example, documents added in Admissions cannot be viewed from within Registration. Only documents with a Location defined for a specific module or documents with a blank Location are available to add to a student record from within that module.

The following instructions pertain to the Admissions module which has additional functionality that may be used to link documents to specific GPA Groups.

Note: Documents added to a Prospect record will copy to the Student record when the Prospect is loaded to Student. Any documents added to the Prospect record after it has been loaded to Student will also appear in the Student record. Documents added to the Student record after the Prospect has been loaded to Student will NOT appear in the Prospect record.

Add a Single Document:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students (or Prospects) >Document Tracking. The Document Tracking window opens with the Documents tab displayed.
  2. In the Admissions module documents are associated with a GPA group. If using Admissions Document Tracking, select an Admission GPA Group to view the documents linked to that group or select No Filter to view all documents that have been added to the student record in the Admissions module.
  3. Right-click in the data grid to open the document tracking detail entry form.
  4. Select the Admission GPA Group to which you wish to link the document. This will default to the GPA Group that is already selected on the Documents tab or the students active GPA Group if No Filter has been selected. Any active or inactive GPA Group assigned to the Student Admissions Information record will display and may be selected.
  5. Enter the Document Date (or Due Date).
  6. Skip the Completion Date unless the requirement has been met and you are recording the item and completion date at the same time.
  7. Select the Document Name from the drop-down list.
  8. Type a general description in the Description field.
  9. Select a Status from the drop-down list (Glossary: Doc Status) such as incomplete, complete, not required, etc.
  10. If your institution is utilizing the User Defined field (Glossary: DOCUSERDEF), make appropriate selection at this time.
  11. Use the Reference field for further defining the document/requirement.
  12. Enter Comments as desired.
  13. Place a checkmark next to Internal if the Document Tracking item should not display on the Student Portal.
  14. Click Add to save new record or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: The Admission GPA Group may be changed at any time for any document. Student documents may be assigned a blank GPA Group or any GPA Group (active or inactive) that exists on the Student Admissions Information record. Prospect documents may be assigned either a blank GPA Group or the GPA Group associated with the current Entrance Program in the Prospect Maintenance record.

Add a Document Sequence:

  1. From the Document Tracking form (Admissions >Students (or Prospects) >Document Tracking), select the Admissions GPA Group you wish the documents to be linked with. If the No Filter is selected documents will be linked with the students default GPA Group.
  2. Click Load Doc Seq button.
  3. Select the Document Group from the drop-down list. Once selected, all items sharing that group name appear in the list box. Note: document groupings setup is described in Document Tracking Setup.
  4. Enter the Document Date (the Start Date for the sequence of documents). The default date is the current date. If any values were placed in the 'Days Between' field of the Document List reference table, this value will be added to this Start Date to calculate the due date of the document(s).
  5. Click OK to add the group of documents or Cancel to exit without saving.
  6. In certain cases, you may have items that are included for some Prospect or Student types but not for others. In such cases, you can do one of two things:  1) either delete the unnecessary document from the record, or 2) change the status of that document to a value such as 'not required'.  

To Load Colleges:

Single documents such as a transcript can be added for each college associated with the prospect or student in one step via the Load Colleges function. Colleges are associated with prospects in Admissions >Prospects >Change Prospect >More tab >Colleges and with students in Admissions >Students >Change Student >More tab >Colleges.

  1. From the Document Tracking form (Admissions >Students (or Prospects) >Document Tracking), click the Load Colleges button to load college records from the Change Prospect/Student >More tab >Colleges screen.
  2. Enter the Document Date (the date the document is due). The default is the current date.
  3. Select the default document name from the drop-down. The description will be automatically populated as entered in the DOC NAMES glossary table for that document and may be changed as desired from this window.
  4. Select the default status.
  5. Click OK to add this document to each college linked to the student or Cancel to exit without saving. Each college name is placed in the Reference field of the document(s) detail.