Major/Minor Reference Table

The Major/Minor Reference Table is utilized for several areas of functionality in CAMS Enterprise.

Major/Minor Name - Required text field for the name that will display in drop-downs.

SEVIS Major Code - Can be used to record the Major/Minor Code. This field is for reference only and does not drive any functionality in CAMS.

State Reporting Code - Various functionality in CAMS that may require the State Reporting Code to be populated. The documentation for any functionality that requires this will indicate that it is required.

Offering Division - Record the Offering Division this entry is used for. This field is for reference only and does not drive any functionality in CAMS.

Degree - Record the Degree this entry applies to. This field is for reference only and does not drive any functionality in CAMS.

CIP Code - Enter the CIP Code to be used in COD and NSC reporting and exports.

Full Time Hours - Set the default full-time hours for this Major. When the Major is assigned to a Student in Student Programs for Term the value will automatically populate this default value.

Special Program - Select the Special Program (Reference: Special Programs) for this Major/Minor entry. Values for the Special Programs entries are:

Value Special Program Indicator Credential Level
Selective Admission Associated Program A 02
Bachelor's Degree Completion Program B 03
Not Applicable N Program Credential Level for NSC Class/Cred value
Preparatory Coursework Graduate Professional Program P 99
Non-Credential Teacher Certification Program T 99
Preparatory Coursework Undergraduate Program U 99

Note: Each entry in the Major/Minor Reference table that is assigned to students with Direct Loans must have the Special Program drop-down populated.

Each Program that is exported for NSC must have a Major assigned that has the Special Program drop-down populated.

Report to NSC - Selected by default, enable this option to report Program Information in the NSC Export for this Major. Deselecting Report to NSC will set the NSC Program Indicator to "N" and still allow campus enrollment data to be reported for students with this Major (Program) while excluding their Program Information. Majors with this option disabled are typically used with Unspecified-Undergrad as set in the NSC Class/Cred in the Student Programs for Term.

Gainful Employment Program - Indicates whether this program is a "Gainful Employment Program" eligible for Title IV funding.

Requires Medical or Dental Internship or Residency - Active while Gainful Employment Program is checked. Indicates whether this program requires a medical or dental internship or residency.

Active Major - Check the box next to Active Major to have this available to apply to a Student in Student Programs for Term. Note that inactive Majors will still display in criteria for reporting purposes.

Active Minor - Check the box next to Active Minor to have this available to apply to a Student in Student Programs for Term. Note that inactive Minors will still display in criteria for reporting purposes.

Program Length - Used in COD, NSC, and SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) reporting and exports to define the length of a Program.

Program Length Type - Used in COD and NSC reporting and exports to define the type of length of a Program. Can be set to Weeks, Months, or Years.

Note: Each entry in the Major/Minor Reference table that is assigned to students with Direct Loans must have the Program Length and Program Length Type fields populated with the correct number of Weeks, Months, or Years.

Each Program that is exported for NSC must have a Major assigned that has the Program Length and Program Length Type fields populated with the correct number of Weeks, Months, or Years.

SAP Major (and Minor) Program Hours - Total hours of the Major or Minor Program. Used in the SAP Status Change calculation process for the Program Length percentage completed.