Constituent Contact Maintenance

The Constituent Contacts form is used to add, modify, or delete contacts for constituents. Any contact records associated with a student record are copied to the constituent record when a student record is transferred to the Development module.

To add a contact to a constituent profile:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Development >Constituent >Change Profile >More tab >Contacts button. The Contacts data grid displays.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new contact. A contact sub-select window displays. In an effort to eliminate duplicate entries, it is recommended to check the list of existing contacts prior to adding a new record to ensure that it has not already been entered. If the contact you wish to add does not display, click the Add button. A blank Contact detail entry window opens.
  3. Select the Contact Type from the drop down list (Contact Type Glossary table).
  4. Enter the contact information as appropriate. If the contact is an organization, use the Institution field to record the name, instead of using the First and Last Name fields.

Note: If the contact is to receive soft credit or split gifts, the contact must first exist in the Development module as a constituent, and then must be associated as a Relationship to the original constituent's profile. Use the Development >Constituent >Transfer function to quickly transfer Contact records into the Development module.

  1. Click Add to save the record, or Cancel to exit without saving.

To modify a contact in a constituent profile:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Development >Constituent >Change Profile >More tab >Contacts button. The Contacts data grid displays.
  2. Double-click the record you wish to modify.
  3. Make necessary modifications.
  4. Click Update to save the changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.

To delete a contact in a constituent profile:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Development >Constituent >Change Profile >More tab >Contacts button. The Contacts data grid displays.
  2. Highlight the contact you wish to delete.
  3. Click the Delete button to remove the contact from the constituent record. This removes the contact from the constituent record but does not remove the contact from the system or from the student record.

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