Adding Courses to Offering Maintenance

Course Offerings can be created in one of four methods, the first two of which are addressed in this topic:

To add courses through Course Offering:

  1. Open the Registration Course Offering window by clicking Registration >Offering >Offering Maintenance.
  2. Select appropriate term value. Other selection criteria can be entered to view course listing by name, department, type, etc.
  3. Click Find to display a list of existing courses meeting your selection criteria.
  4. The data grid displays the amount of rows per page as set in CAMS Manager >Configuration; if your Offering list exceeds this number, click Next to go to the next page. You may also enter a page number then tab or click out of the field to go directly to that page.
  5. Right-click in the data grid to open the detail entry form. A prompt will be displayed asking if you wish to "Copy from Master Course".
  6. If you wish to Copy from the Course Master:
  1. Click Yes when the prompt is displayed.
  2. Locate the course you wish to copy by entering the appropriate selection criteria and clicking Find to produce a list of courses meeting your selection criteria. Double-click the desired course. The course information will be copied to the Course Offering detail form.
  3. Make changes as appropriate for the designated term.
  4. Provide additional data for this course. See Course Offering Detail for field descriptions.
  1. If you are Adding a Course Manually:
  1. Click No when the prompt is displayed.
  2. Provide course data specific to the defined term. See Course Offering Detail for field descriptions.
  1. Click Add to save the entry.

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