Reference Tables

To populate reference tables:

  1. Click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Table tab.
  2. Select the Reference table you wish to edit by highlighting that table in the Reference Table data grid in the top half of the form. All existing values for that table will be displayed in the Records of Table data grid in the lower portion of the form.
  3. Right-click in the records grid to add a new entry or double-click on an existing entry to make a change.
  4. Provide values as appropriate. Note that the nature of reference tables make each one unique in its make up and fields available for input.
  5. When finished supplying values, click Add or Update to save the entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: Records with Identity=zero cannot be deleted. These values must be left intact in the Reference tables.

Reference Tables

Campuses - Create campuses and configure various settings particular to each campus.

College Level - Configure display, scheduling, and reporting values for College Level.

Colleges - This table stores college information. (Also available in Admissions >Lookups).

GPA Groups - Groupings used in Admissions and Registration.

High Schools - The table stores information about pre-college education for prospects, applicants, and students. (Also available in Admissions >Lookups).

Hold Category - See Business Holds

Major/Minor - Specific setup that affects full time hours, some exports, etc.

Programs - Undergraduate and Graduate programs; utilized in App Fee setup.

Reg Classification - Table of earned credit thresholds determining College Level.

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