CAMS User List

The CAMS User List holds name and configuration information for each user account. After the user ID has been established and various settings defined, the next step is to provide appropriate access for each user. This process takes place in the Menu Access form.

To create or maintain a user record:

  1. Access the User List form by clicking CAMS Manager >Users >User Administration.
  2. To find a user, enter a full or partial CAMS User Name in the Search for User field, then click Find to display users beginning with that text. You may also click Find without entering any text to display all users.
  3. Menu access rights may be printed for one by highlighting the user then clicking the Print User button or for all users by clicking the Print All button. Printing all user access could be a time-consuming process.
  4. Right-click in the data grid to add a new record, or double-click an existing record to modify. The detail entry form will open.
  5. Username identifies the user.

Note: Alpha-numeric names may be used, however, User Name MUST begin with a letter (A - Z).

  1. Supply the user Password, and then retype the password to confirm. Passwords must be a minimum of 6 characters with a maximum of 36 characters in length. Characters allowed in passwords are standard alpha/numeric characters and the following special characters:
    . , ; : - ? ! / \ " ' _ ( ) [ ]
    In addition, any password security requirements set must be adhered to. See Password Security Requirement Options in Configuration Misc Options.
  2. Enter user's First and Last Name.
  3. Select the Access Campus from the list. These values are determined by your institution and are supplied through the Campuses reference table. The Access Campus can be used to limit user access to a specific block of students. The value entered here in Access Campus is compared to the value entered in the Access Campus field of the Student Access form. If the user is restricted to a particular campus, they will only be able to work with students that share the same value in this field.
  4. Last Term Used each time the user opens CAMS, a default term becomes operative in many forms such as Billing Statements, Official/Unofficial Register, etc. Upon exiting the CAMS session, the last term used will be stored in this location to be made available as a default value for the next session. You can set this term initially in this area of the CAMS Manager module.
  5. Disable Login check this box to disable a user's login. Attempts to login will display a message that the account has been disabled and to consult the CAMS Manager.
  6. Select the User Type from the list. If you select Faculty, then you must also select a faculty name by clicking on the list icon next to the faculty name field. Faculty users will only have access to course information, including such functions as roster and grade entry for those courses that they have been designated as an instructor.

Note: Faculty users will only have access to course information, including such functions as roster and grade entry for those courses that they have been designated as an instructor.

  1. If this user is an advisor, select the advisor’s name from the list (Advisors Reference table).
  2. FP Admin Access Role Select a Role to give this user access to the Course Management Administrative Portal. Roles are set up in CAMS Manager >Users >FP Admin Role Access.
  3. Select the appropriate View Hold Access Type from the list:
  1. Document Directory Type the directory in which mail merge and export files are to be directed.
  2. Supply the user’s email address.
  3. SSN Visibility Set the level of Social Security Number visibility the user will have in the Admissions and Faculty modules. This setting applies to the Find Prospect and Student, Working To-Do's, Prospect Maintenance, Student Admissions Information, Find Faculty and Faculty Information windows, and Financial Aid Maintenance (except the ISIR tab).

Note: With Masked and None settings for SSN Visibility the Prospect and Student SSN field will be read-only for this user and cannot be edited.

  1. Set User Privileges:
  1. Click Update to save the record.

Note: You must click Save to save a new user entry to the database before assigning menu access on the Access tab.

Note: Once a batch is created it can be viewed, modified, or distributed by any users that is marked as a Super User in their CAMS Manager >Users’ configuration (and has access to the Billing Batches menu) unless the Restrict User Billing Batch Dist/Delete to Self Created Batches is checked. The following rules apply to the Super User field and Restrict User Billing Batch Dist/Delete to Self Created Batches combination.

If Super User and the Restrict User Billing Batch Dist/Delete to Self Created Batches are not checked, a user cannot delete a batch but may work with it and distribute it.

If Super User is not checked but the Restrict User Billing Batch Dist/Delete to Self Created Batches field is, the user cannot view, modify or delete a batch not created by them.

If Super User is checked and the Restrict User Billing Batch Dist/Delete to Self Created Batches field is not checked, the user will be able to view, modify and delete any batch.

If both the Super User and Restrict User Billing Batch Dist/Delete to Self Created Batches field are checked, the user will not be able to view, modify or delete a batch not created by them.

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