Students can be restricted from registration in CAMS Enterprise, Student Portal, and Faculty Portal several different ways:
Applicant Status (Prospect/Applicant Status reference table) - Use to prevent applicants who have not yet completed the admissions process from registering for classes. For example, if the Applicant has a status of applicant, registration may not be allowed. However, when the admissions process is complete and the student has been accepted or admitted, apply a corresponding Applicant Status that would allow registration. This value is applied in Admissions >Student >Change Student >Admin 2 tab. This restriction applies to CAMS Enterprise, Student Portal, and Faculty Portal.
Enrollment Status (Enrollment Status reference table) - Use to prevent students who have certain Enrollment statuses such as dismissed or withdrawn from registering for classes. This value is applied in the Student Status window accessible from Admissions >Student >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status. This restriction applies to CAMS Enterprise, Student Portal, and Faculty Portal.
Academic Status (Status Code reference table) - Use to prevent students who have certain Academic statuses such as probation from registering for classes. This value is applied in the Student Status window accessible from Admissions >Student >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status. This restriction applies to CAMS Enterprise, Student Portal, and Faculty Portal.
Registration Status (Registration Status reference table) - Use to prevent students who have certain Enrollment statuses from registering for classes. This value is applied in the Student Status window accessible from Admissions >Student >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status. This restriction applies to CAMS Enterprise, Student Portal, and Faculty Portal.
Institutional SAP (Lookup Table Options) - Use to prevent students who have certain Institutional SAP statuses such as Probation Status from registering for classes. This value is applied in the Student Status window accessible from Admissions >Student >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status. This restriction applies to CAMS Enterprise, Student Portal, and Faculty Portal.
Governmental SAP (Lookup Table Options) - Use to prevent students who have certain Governmental SAP statuses such as Probation Status from registering for classes. This value is applied in the Student Status window accessible from Admissions >Student >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status. This restriction applies to CAMS Enterprise, Student Portal, and Faculty Portal.
Term (Term Calendar Lookup Table) - Use to prevent students from registering for a future or past term through the Student Portal. This restriction is applied when a student selects a term when logging in to the portal. This restriction applies to the Student Portal only.
College Level - Use to prevent students having a certain college level from registering during a specified date range through the Student Portal. This value is applied (automatically by CAMS based on the number of credits the student has earned) in the Student Status window accessible from Admissions >Student >Student Status or Registration >Academic >Status. This restriction applies to the Student Portal only.
Note: Any term record containing a status value configured with a Stop Registration flag will prevent registration for all current and future terms unless the Alert flag is set to Cancel or the status's Stop Registration flag is set to False.
The Alert flag cannot be manually changed to No if a status value with an alert remains active, however it can be changed to Cancel to bypass the Academic Alert window and ignore any associated Stop Registration flags.
Before registration restrictions can be applied, they must first be set up. Each value in the lookup tables can be set to prevent or allow registration through a check box. The College Level restriction is set in Registration >Schedule Registration.
To set Applicant Status restrictions:
To set Enrollment, Academic, and Registration Status restrictions:
To set Institutional and Governmental SAP Status restrictions:
To set Term restrictions:
To set College Level restrictions:
Note: If a college level is not entered in this data grid then there is no registration restriction for that level and students with that level will be able to register immediately after the term is opened to registration.